Forensic Interviewing

Child-friendly forensic interviews are conducted by an child abuse professionals who have advanced training on the forensic interviewing of child victims/witnesses. Kids’ Space only conducts interviews at the request of law enforcement and Oklahoma Department of Human Services, when there has been a report of child sexual abuse, serious physical abuse, or when a child has witnessed a violent crime.  

Kids' Space - Child Advocacy Center

A forensic interview is a structured conversation with a child intended to elicit detailed information about events that the child may have experienced or witnessed. It takes place in a neutral, child-friendly location designed to help the child feel comfortable. A forensic interview provides the child with an opportunity to tell their story in their own words. It is not an interrogation, but rather a conversation tailored specifically to the child’s age, development level, and any special needs.

During the interview, investigative partners such as law enforcement and social services are able to watch a live feed of the interview in a separate observation room. This collaborative concept is a key element of the nationally recognized child advocacy center model of care that better ensures the child will not have to endure the trauma of multiple interviews by multiple agencies. Recordings of the interview can later be obtained to aid in court proceedings.